There are only 2 more full days until Christmas and I look terrible. I'm not talking about the fact that I'm overweight actually, I'm talking about my hair. I said a couple of posts ago that
I made my own body wash. Well, I did, and it works great. I have no issue or qualm with it. I am clean, and that's what's to be expected. (The darn stuff is made from soap). It was after making this body wash and deciding that I liked it and my homemade face wash, that I chose to venture into making my own shampoo and conditioner.

A little while longer back I discussed my
hair and face routine and then alluded to the fact that I had been trying out the "
Curly Girl Method" of hair care. (I followed that up
here.) I can't say that I didn't like my sulfate free products, they were fine. But I didn't much like the fact that a single bottle of either cost more than a set of the chemically stuff I'd been used to. Granted; not shampooing anymore means that I'd not have to purchase as much shampoo, but I was going to have to purchase more conditioner... I don't think it would have actually evened out in the end. Regardless, I chose to find a way to make my own. After some research on my different options I chose to simply go the no-'poo route. (For those that don't know what no-'poo is; instead of shampoo and conditioner, you use a solution of baking soda and water to clean the hair and then a solution of apple cider vinegar and water to "condition" it... roughly.) Since I didn't make a note of what day it was that I actually started this, I can't say exactly how long I've been doing it. If I thought hard enough and did the math I'd come up with a more accurate account, but for now I'm going to say it's been almost 2 weeks.
My natural, no product curl |
I don't actually have a huge problem with the method itself. My hair is clean. It's also feeling much thicker than normal. My only problem with it so far, is that it's incredibly frizzy and stringy. My curls are breaking apart into super thin tendrils instead of the regular thick locks that they split into when my hair dries. I don't usually brush or comb my hair until right before I wash my hair, and this has never really posed a problem in the past. However, this morning, I had a rats nest at the back of my head that would make my 5 year old self blush. Today I tried to do the coconut oil for frizzy hair thing after my shower, and my hair just went limp and oily. Not my favorite. So now my hair is thick, heavy, limp, stringy, and looks a little oily (just not near the roots). It looked so bad before it even dried that I rolled into a bun at the nape of my neck and left it there. But even that's too heavy and is giving me headaches. I'm not sure what else to do. When I use normal shampoo (even the sulfate free stuff) my hair is wavy/curly and organizes itself just fine when I let it air dry. Maybe it has something to do with the microfiber towel I've been using. Maybe it has to do with that three week transition period people talk about when recommending the no-'poo thing.
Has anyone else had this issue? Has anyone whose tried this had their hair dramatically change in texture? Does anyone have suggestions? I'd like to not look like an unclean boho on Christmas.