I am no authority on the Oil Cleanse Method, I have only been doing it for three days. But I must say that I am sure that I will probably continue to enjoy its effects and benefits. If you're hoping for the technical and/or medicinal/health benefits and fact, then you've come to the wrong place. I am only here to share my experience. If you're in need of all that information you may want to try someplace like
THIS or Google it or something.

From what I've come to understand through my own searching, most ladies don't do/use the Oil Cleanse every day, or if they do, it's only at night. I also came to expect that through this method, my face might become more oily than normal, until it balanced out from using face washes. Mine did not. It may not have gotten oily due to the fact that I don't like my face when I wash with normal face wash and have not found a product that I actually can stand behind and has made my face, oh so lovely, so I don't wash more than once a day, so there wasn't so much to counteract by switching to oil? Regardless of the reason, my face is not super oily in comparison Nor has it been super dry. It has, however, been soft and clean looking. So I approve. I also approve of the fact that I made it myself. I did have to purchase both of the ingredients in mine, but I didn't want to use the Olive Oil from the kitchen (this is still not my house) and I've never had a need for Castor Oil, so I've never had to purchase it before. I bought a fancy glass 8.5oz bottle of ExtraVirginOliveOil and the only Castor Oil I could find in 4oz. Which turned out to be a good combination of parts for my face. I mixed them together in a mason jar and then poured the mixtures back into the other two bottles. Now I have a small travel sized bottle and a bathroom sized bottle. Sweet! The most difficult thing about making it was getting the olive oil label off of the glass bottle.
The first night I tried it, I was a bit skeptical that it would actually work, and afraid that I'd just wasted good money. But I was happy with how well the oil came off my face with the steamy towel and it really did leave my face actually feeling clean. The second night, though, was the real test. I had worn makeup that day (yesterday) I don't always wear makeup, and I don't always cake it on very thick. Yesterday wasn't so much of an exception. I did wear makeup, but it wasn't caked on. It was the basic; slight concealer, a tad bit of rouge, a dash of foundation, eye shadow (powder) as eyeliner and shadow and a waterproof mascara. To my utmost delight the oil mixture massaged all essence of makeup away. Actually it got all the mascara off faster than the shadow as liner (but that's because it was on the edge of my lids). Oh Happy Day! I made something at home that actually works and I can be proud of.
Though, looking further into it; I may want to balance out my washing's with something else. Based on what I've been "hearing"/reading, There are other at home face cleansers that I can make that may work for me as well. I'm keen to try anything, and if I shouldn't be using the oil cleanse every day, I'd like to know what a good alternative is. Though, with my current results, I can't imagine daily use would be bad. We'll have to see how it goes as time progresses. Until then... I made my own body wash today.