I have randomly been rather motivated to do things the last couple of days. I've done different crafty things, different exercise things, different productive things... all while maintaining my negatron outlook on things. Yes, it fades a little when I'm doing things. But when I let myself stop for a while and think, it surges back in to haunt me. Then I become a terrible person. I think terrible thoughts and I don't like it. I don't know how to stop it though. I can't go go go forever. I have to sleep sometime. Which reminds me; I have not been sleeping well. I stay awake for ever when I go to bed. I just lay there, with my eyes wide open, unable to sleep. I turn, and move, and wiggle to get comfortable, to no avail. I seriously think it might be at least an hour every night of just laying there, thinking I could be doing something much more productive... like sleeping... or typing up a new blog. AND THEN the other day I woke up 3 hours before I normally do. That was a night I was awake until well after 1am. I still wasn't able to get to sleep that following night.
One of the productive things I've found to do in my awake time was exercise. I've found that I can only do that in this house when there is no one else around, so as I know that I'm NOT going to be in anyone's way. I actually posted a
video of my first day back at it in my
fitness blog. I waited until the coast was clear, then set up my camera, took my list of calisthenic type things and recorded me doing them in the backyard. I had been doing them each day since then, but I did not find a time to do them today; Puese didn't have to work, so there was no time alone for me. I did ask him to do them with me, and he agreed but then we didn't end up doing them. My stomach was upset, so I didn't protest.

I've also been keeping up with figuring out my hair's needs and things. I did post an entry about my hair qualms the other day in my
old blog, and have been trying to put some more of the suggestions I'd received into practice. When I ran out of the shampoo and conditioner I did have, I went ahead and purchased some sulfate free stuff. I've been using the shampoo and conditioner one day, then not doing anything to my hair for the second day, using just conditioner on the third day, and seeing how it looks on the fourth day. If it's ok, I hold out to the 5th day to repeat the process. Which reminds me, I should invest in a shower cap. It's difficult keeping my hair dry when I'm not washing it, and it takes forever to air dry... seriously; it takes hours. Since I've been doing this, I've also been diligent with regular skin and oral care as well. Not that I didn't do it before, I just did it mechanically before. And because I'm making it a point to do things like that, I also made it a point to trim my hair. But after the disaster of the last cut and my complete dislike for it, I decided it'd be best to straighten it before I trimmed it. So far; it looks okay straight and styled, but that was yesterday, and I didn't wash it today; so I haven't seen it curly yet. I did however take the time to style it by flipping the ends both today and yesterday, as well as pinning it stylistically to one side today. And because I did that; I thought it a good idea to also do my makeup... I don't usually wear makeup anymore. Mostly because I never leave the house and no one ever sees me besides the people I live with. But I'd been looking as blogs and tutorials so I was feeling motivated to make up my face. I look rather put together lately. And if you didn't know better; you'd think I was a chunky girl with great self esteem. With my whole life put together besides my weight. I even matched my colors in my clothes to my jewelry, makeup and socks.

What doesn't really help this misled image would be the fact that I've been DIYing things like a pintrest board as well. Today's feats were a "french tip" style nail job, I hadn't had my nails done since My BFF's wedding in September. And the hot chocolate snow cone baggie giftie thingies I made. I also considered some other crafty things to re-use/recycle old clothes, but my time is not always my own, and I ran out of what was. None the less; I did do a few, after reorganizing all of my clothes and cleaning our room and straightening the kitchen and living room.
Actually, on second thought, all of that didn't take too much time... where did my time go? The tree was decorated already... *shrug* I think I just blah blah blahed my way into tired enough to maybe sleep. Too bad by the time I'm done locking doors and turning off all the lights I'll be wide awake again. Regardless, Goodnight!