Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Thinking Over Thinking
Sometimes I think I go overboard and think my way into a mess. Other times I'm grateful for my over thinking habits. I can't think of any instances at the moment that have been particularly beneficial from it, but I'm sure it's happened. Most of the time I think it doesn't really effect anyone but myself, and even there, it's neither bad, nor good. I'm trying to decide what my blogging would be classified as. Not that it matters, but I've thought my way into a bunch of different types of blogs for different purposes, which can all be found in one central location. There's nothing particularly wrong with that. I suppose it's beneficial to have a specific place for a specific group of types of thoughts. It's also befitting for those, if any, who would choose to read only one type of content, could, in fact, do just that. For instance; if someone who's found me via YouTube, and wants to find out more about my fitness journey from one of my fitness videos; they may not be so inclined to read about my crunchy exploits. Though, if they do find themselves interested, there is definitely a way to find those posts, by way of my blog hub at Raw Ceeyena. So far, I cannot see a cataclysmic hole in my scheme, but I may be missing something. Of course, with the example of the fitness journey, that points now rather moot, as I've replaced my fitness blog with a healthy living blog, which does include some crunch things, or at least it will as it progresses. Though, any former posts in my old fitness blog can still be found and shouldn't be going anywhere any time soon. On another hand; having so many different specific type blogs is forcing me to think ahead a bit when I'm going to post. If content leaks over from one to another because I'm one person and not several; I have to consider whether or not to link to a related post or not. As well as remember which post that was. I also have to filter (choose to) the content that I talk about in any specific blog and focus more on a different aspect of what I'm talking about, dependent on which one I'm writing for. Unless however the blog in question is this one; and I can talk about whatever I so choose because it's just a general log, and nothing too specific, other than about me and my life. I guess I'll know if I've over thought it, when I think my way into a self calculating spreadsheet that I won't be able to decipher in a months time... We'll see.
From somewhere near
Temple City, CA, USA