I'm getting really tired of people and their woe is me mentality. Actually it's more of a greater than thou mentality. Either way; the combination of the two is pissing me off. I generally start the day off in a good mood. I am me, and that's okay. You are you, and that's okay. I have my opinions based on my own experiences and life. you have your own that I really don't need shoved down my throat or into my general vicinity at all. I'm more than willing to listen to your reasons and opinions and ideas, but just because YOU had them doesn't make them true or fact for ME. You are not the creator of the universe. And to me, you're not a special little snowflake. You're just a chunk of snow, like everyone else. I would apologize that my opinion offends you because you're too sensitive or in a bad place today, but I'm not sorry. The worst part is I'M not even being offensive. I'm not saying you are bad, or negative, or anything. I'm not even being a negatron on myself. I am either utilizing my own humor or version of irony, for MY pleasure. Not yours. If you don't get it, don't get huffy and ruin my day because you misread, or mistook something I did or said. Besides rants like this one, I rarely (if ever) post anything in a negative light, for negative or injuring purposes.
Long story short: I hate mood ruiners. I'd like it if they kept their opinions to themselves. On the other hand: They are trying their damnedest, but they haven't completely ruined my day.